Yuri Burger


All things .NET, Java, Kubernetes, Azure, ALM, DevOps and more!

Workshop Kubernetes on Azure

Material for a complete workshop Kubernetes on Azure

Yuri Burger

2 minute read

After a recent internal workshop on how to run a complete app with Kubernetes on Microsoft Azure, we decided to make it Open Source! The workshop content is available in English and Dutch and includes guidance, code samples and complete attendee instructions.

Although the workshop is targeted at Azure Kubernetes Service (the Azure managed service for Kubernetes clusters) it can easily be adapted to work with Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service or Google’s Kubernetes Engine. The attendee instructions are almost entirely cloud vendor agnostic, apart from the preparation/login part and the configuration of a DNS label for the public ip address.

The Workshop material

The Kubernetes-on-Azure GitHub repo has all the information you need to organize the workshop.

  • Introduction Slide desk in Microsoft Powerpoint to introduce and kick-off the workshop;
  • A list of (software) requirements. Attendees should take care of these before the workshop starts;
  • A preparation script. Attendees should follow this script before the workshop starts;
  • A 7-step Workshop Script. This guides the attendees through the different workshop stages.

Skills required and learned

You don’t have to be a developer or an infrastructure engineer to complete the workshop tasks. All the tasks can be performed by following the scripts and there are only a few (software) requirements.

During the workshop they will provision several Kubernetes components and gain working knowledge on Kubernetes Resources, YAML, the required CLIs and the use of Helm Charts.

The Demo app

The workshop contains a demo app “Shakespearean Dating” and it consists of an Angular 11 Front End, a .NET 5 or Spring Boot API and a MongoDB database.

You don’t need any knowledge on how to program or even build the individual parts… this is all taken care of in the workshop script. All the software builds are container builds so you don’t need any local Angular, Java or .NET SDK to build the software.

You can find the material in the Kubernetes-on-Azure GitHub repo.


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